
"One last time, come fight for our revolution,
Make those in control suffer swift retribution.
Then, brothers and sisters, we'll sing till we ache:
We are fsociety, and we are finally awake!"

"I did this because security is a myth. Contrary to what you might have heard my friends, you are not safe. Safety is a story, it is something we teach our children so they can sleep at night. But we know it is not real. Beware baffled humans, beware of false prophets who will sell you a fake future, of bad teachers, corrupt leaders and dirty corporations, beware of cops and robbers, the kind that rob your dreams, but most of all, beware of each other, because everything is about to change, the world is going to crack wide open, there is something on the horizon, a massive connectivity. The barriers between us will disappear. And we're not ready. We'll hurt each other in new ways. We'll sell and be sold. We'll expose our most tender selves only to be mocked and destroyed. We'll be so vulnerable, and we'll pay the price. We won't be able to pretend that we can't protect ourselves anymore. It's a huge danger. A gigantic risk. But it's worth it. If only we can learn to take care of each other. Then this awesome, destructive new connection won't isolate us. It won't leave us, in the end, so totally alone."
- Ryan Ray - "Halt and Catch Fire"

"I always found doors fascinating invention, they hold the entry to unlimited imagination before you open any door, a world filled with possibilities sits right behind it, and isn't until you open it, they are realize, such potential they bring to our minds, and yet a lock stopped you from accessing it, how lazy."
- White Rose - "Mr. Robot"

"Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no spoon. Then you will see it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."
- Spoon Boy- "The Matrix"

"Are you a one or a zero? Are you a yes or no?"

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to Church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been put over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
What truth?
That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell, or taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill-the story ends, you wake up in your bed and you believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill-you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Remember-what I'm offering is the truth, nothing more.
